Horner Syndrome on a female patient, after the removal of a rare location of a cervical Schawannoma. Case description and a short revision
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Horner syndrome
Sympathetic chain Schwannoma
Vagus nerve

How to Cite

Duque CS, Uribe A, Vanegas N, Ochoa M, Marulanda M, Palacio MF. Horner Syndrome on a female patient, after the removal of a rare location of a cervical Schawannoma. Case description and a short revision. Cir. parag. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 18 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];46(1):24-6. Available from: https://cirugia.org.py/index.php/revista/article/view/85


This is the case of a 57-year-old female patient who was seen due to a right upper neck lower jaw mass. On contrast CT a sympathetic chain Schwannoma was suspected and later confirmed by pathology once the lesion was resected. Thanks to the careful study of her images, the possibility of developing a Horner´s syndrome once the mas was resected was explained to the patient prior to her intervention, as it did happen. It is vital that the surgeon knows the anatomy and physiology of the oculosympathetic pathway and its relationship with the neck structures. 

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