Giant primary hepatic lymphoma. About a case
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Non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
hepatic lymphoma

How to Cite

Cabral Melgarejo DG, Cabrera S, Ayala R. Giant primary hepatic lymphoma. About a case. Cir. parag. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 26 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];46(1):27-8. Available from:


Primary hepatic lymphoma is an unusual form of non-hodgkin’s lymphoma that usually presents clinically with a cholestasic pattern, without the presence of adenomegaly or extrahepatic invasión in early stages. It has a prevalence of 4% for extranodal non-hodgkin lymphomas and 0.016% for all lymphomas. A 54-year-old female patient presents a picture of approximately one and a half years of evolution of increased abdominal diameter, of insidious onset and progressive over time, accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, stitch type of mild intensity; fatigue, weight loss of approximately ten kilograms in the last two month.
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